Sunday, May 1, 2011

Novena to Saint Martha

Novena to
Saint Martha

The prayer that follows must be recited for nine consecutive Tuesdays, lighting a candle on each Tuesday. This miraculous Saint has been known to grant anything, no matter how difficult it is, before the ninth Tuesday.
Saint Martha, 
I resort to thy aid and protection. 
As proof of my affection and faith, 
I offer thee this light, 
which I shall burn every Tuesday. 

Comfort me in all my difficulties 
and through the great favors thou didst enjoy 
when the Savior was lodged in thy house, 
intercede for my family, 
that we be provided for in our neccessities. 
I ask of thee, Saint Martha, 
to overcome all difficulties 
as thou didst overcome the dragon 
which thou hadst at thy feet. 
In the name of the Father 
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Recite the following prayers...

Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory Be...

Do you have answered prayers or any other experiences with this prayer? 
Post the details below, it may be of use to other Prayer Warriors.


  1. Recently I came across a little folder that belonged to my mother or grandmother that had St. Martha's miraculous novena on on side and a picture of her on the other side. I was in great need of selling my house and decided to pray this novena. I prayed that St. Martha would help it sell quickly and asked her to let the offer be over a certain amount. Within a month someone put in an offer and it was over that certain amount. I asked St. Martha to let there be no complications in the selling of it. The people who wanted to buy it are paying the full amount in cash. I asked St. Martha to let there be no hurricanes or bad storms come near the house before closing. There is a tropical storm out there but it will not come before closing and doesn't look like it will come here at all. There have been no hurricanes or bad storms. The closing was supposed to be next Wednesday. The people who want the house moved the closing date to next Tuesday. I thought it extraordinary that it was moved to the day when St. Martha's novena is prayed. And it turns out that St. Martha's feast day is the day before! It's on Monday, July 29th! All of these things Jesus has granted through St. Martha's most powerful intercession and I'm still on her first novena! I've been thanking and praising God and St. Martha for all these wonderful blessings and have been spreading devotion to St. Martha ever since. I found prayer cards of her miraculous novena at a Catholic online store and have been sharing about the wonderful things she has done and how good God is! Praise His Goodness and Mercy for giving us such a miraculous Saint to help us in time of need. I would highly recommend this miraculous novena of St. Martha to anyone who has a great need. She truly does answer prayers before the novena ends, so quickly! Thank you St. Martha! And thank you Jesus!

  2. I too had prayers answered prayers.My boy had broken up with his girl and I prayed for him to give her another chance because she was very good for him and he did not see it at the time.Believe in her and always say thank you she is a marvelous Saint for women especially.Now I am praying her novena again for myself and hope she will answer this one too.

  3. Please Saint Martha help Edgar and myself to strengthen our love passion joy and comfort together in each others arms.I pray he wants and has no other woman in his heart and on his mind only me.Please fill his heart with love for me let him be faithful to me I beg you help grant this petition St Martha.

  4. Our Lady,Mother,Queen of the Holy Rosary please help him see that he is hurting me with this other woman let him want nothing more from her than friendship.I pray our love and passion are strengthen and the comfort joy he has being with me also strengthened so that he only want me as his partner and love.Please help B and guide him to the right road give him strength to do what he needs to do.I pray A is on the right road also.Please help us.

  5. I pray Mother for your help in strengthening the love,passion,joy,comfort between Edgar and myself.I pray that we may overcome the hurdles and challenges in our relationship together,fill his heart mind and actions with love for me and may he have eyes only for me.I pray he is faithful,Mother please ease my mind let him be saying the truth about being in love with me.Thank You

  6. Please Saint Martha,help me find financial security and help me find that person whom I will embark in a successful sacrament of Marriage with and have children, I pray that you will somehow show yourself to me as I am new to your devotion, I have experienced your help in the past but I am sorry for not having consecrated myself to your help as much as with other Saints. Please watch over my family and help me find am excellent job, help me have peace at home now with E my landlady, her son and all who live here. Help me find my own place soon with no issues. Help me here as I have now moved back and wish to settle here as my base. Please be with me.
    Thank you

  7. Please help me get sorted and be able to become financially independent, help my talents flourish. Help me with my current situation. Help me professionally, socially help me be victorious in love, marriage and children, help me heal. Potect my family members living and intercede for our dear departed members espcially my father.

  8. Dear Saint Martha.
    Thank you for interceding for me and blessing my son, Nigel with a job. Please continue to be by his side and guide him always.
